Sunday 28 July 2013

Delirium (review)

I started this book a week ago, but it took me 3 days to get past the first 50 pages, then I came on holiday which is where I'm writing this post from.. And I have been here two days and I have devoured this book, it completely absorbed  me I just lost the best part of two days to the story of Lena and Alex, which starts in Portland  and love has been diagnosed as a disease, and everyone is offered the cure to love at 18 this is where the story picks up with Lena at first the character reminds me  more of Tally in uglies, With the lack of confidence and insecurities but as the book progressed Lena became a heroin and a much more likable character who i could liken to Katniss in the hunger games..  if you enjoyed either of the hungers games or uglies  then I urge you to read this book because it won't disappoint.. I have already started the second installment Pandemonium. Which I'm already really enjoying!

Kerrie x

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